Category | Android App | iPhone/iPod Touch |
Main Screen | Six main icons, New Feed, Friends, Photos, Take Photo, Profile, Notifications | Nine main icons, News Feed, Friends, Photos, Profile, Inbox, Chat, Requests, Events, photos, Notes |
News Feed | New Feed screens look very similar. iPhone has a + button to add comments while Android has long touch. iPhone also has a large Rolodex like menu which essentially maps to facebook menu where you can choose a filter for your feed. | |
Profile | Profile screen is almost identical in both the apps with tabs for wall, info and photos being on top on Android and on bottom in iPhone. Also relationship status on iPhone is better with the photo of the spouse being shown with the name while Android app just says that "Married". Android app also does not show the IM addresses while iPhone app shows them. Photos is very similar with iPhone app having an additional album for Profile photos which Android app does not have. | |
Friends | Friends screen is very similar in both with Facebook app sorted on last name while android app sorted on first name. Also the first character selection on iPhone on the right hand side of screen is pretty useful to directly jump to a person whose name starts with a specific character. | |
Notifications | Screens are very similar but surprisingly Android app does not allow one to click on a name and go to his profile. Also number of notifications in Android app seems to be much less compared to what is there on iPhone. For example I could not find notifications related to people commenting on my status in Android app while these are there on iPhone client. | |
Photos | Very similar screens, similar functionality. | |
Events | Android does not this option at all | iPhone client allow you to have a look at events. |
Inbox | Android does not this option at all | iPhone client shows the messages in the Inbox and lets you reply to them. |
Chat | Android does not this option at all | You can chat with online friends. |
Requests | Android does not this option at all | You can see pending requests and respond to them. |
- Chat -- very important, many people are only available for chat on Facebook and can't get them on google talk
- Friend requests -- Very important option, since currently the best solution is to click on the email received and go to web browser and then accept/reject the request.
- Inbox/Event
- Catch up to other features that I have listed in the table above.
So glad an official Facebook application is finally being made.Thanks I was searching and searching.
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