The installation procedure is very simple, download the zip file above to your desktop. Then connect your ADP1 to your PC and mount its SD card as a removable drive on your PC. To do this, just connect the phone using the USB cable and then click on the "USB connected" notification, from there you can click on the mount button to mount the SD card to PC.
Now the phone's SD card is visible on your PC. After that copy the above ZIP file to the SD card and rename it to
Now disconnect the phone from PC and shutdown by pressing the power button. Once shutdown completely, press home and power button simultaneously. Keep home key pressed when you release power button. You will see a triangle with a exclaimation sign on the screen. Press Alt-L and you will see a text menu.
Now press Alt-S to apply the update to the phone. You will see following messages.
Installing from sdcard...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Formatting BOOT...
Extracting radio image...
Formatting SYSTEM...
Copying files...
Writing BOOT:...
Installation complete.
Press Home+Back to reboot
On pressing Home+Back the phone displays
Writing Radio image...
If you encounter an error with following text in it
assert getprop(”ro.bootloader”) == “0.95.0000″
Then you need to download a nocheck image which can be downloaded from below location.
After that you may see the image of an integrated circuit with an arrow and then the phone with power up with the familiar android logo. Once the phone powers up, you are upgraded to the RC33 equivalent version. To verify the upgrade, go to settings, About Phone and check the build number, it will show holiday_devphone-userdebug 1.1 UNLOCKED 130444 test-keys. Another sign of the fact that the phone is updated is a new menu item called System updates in the About phone menu.
So, go ahead, upgrade and have fun. I have just done this and I will post if I see any thing significant or intereating.